uvex has developed a complete product system which is specially tailored to the requirements of the metalwork industry. Whether welding, milling, angle grind- ing or assembling products, the uvex profisystem metall can be adapted to the needs of any application area in the metalwork industry.
In order to truly understand the specific demands that the metalwork industry places on its personal protective equipment (PPE) uvex collaborated closely with numerous metalwork companies in creating this product system, while drawing on the practical knowledge of these experts. The result is PPE designed by professionals for professionals. This process led to custom solutions: an example of the industry-specific functionality is the protective clothing’s innovative coating, which off ers reliable protection against sparks. This product feature, available exclusively from uvex, increases not only the employees’ safety, but also significantly extends the lifecycle of the industrial PPE. It represents a unique selling proposition which emphasises uvex’ approach to this innovative product system.
The result is personal protective equipment designed by professionals for professionals – and clothing that includes many innovative functions and an eye-catching design as well as being very comfortable.

“When addressing and collaborating with the skilled trades industry, it is very important to act as their partner and provide support for their day- to-day operations. Staying true to our philosophy of protecting people, anyone wearing our products should feel comfortable and safe.”
(Peter Buschmann, managing director uvex safety group)
Protection against sparks thanks to innovative functional coating
Smouldering chips, ultra-high temperature sparks, deafening screeches – angle grinding pyrotechnics are certainly spectacular, but so too are the dangers they present.
While protective eyewear and hearing protection have now become standard equipment in the metalwork industry, where clothing is concerned, traditional cotton boiler suits still often reign supreme. This material does not offer sufficient protection against sparks of temperatures up to 850°C. It is definitely not a suitable choice of PPE for the wearer. As part of the uvex handwerk segment expansion, uvex is offering an innovative range of safety clothing equipped with a unique functional coating to protect against sparks with the profisystem metall.
Protection for the wearer and for clothing
Thomas Paech, Director SBU Workwear, explains the characteristics of the new clothing: “With the right coating on the material, both the wearer and the clothing are protected against hot sparks. This offers reliable protection against damage and visible burn marks on the product.” The clothing is made from a cotton- polyamide-nylon hybrid material. The cotton lends a pleasant degree of wearer comfort, while the particularly robust nylon ensures wear and tear is kept to a minimum. uvex’ very own functional coating protects against sparks and has been specially developed for the requirements of the metalwork industry. The coating is applied on important areas such as the lower torso and forearm on jackets and the complete thigh to the knee on trousers. There are no official testing standards or procedures to regulate the danger presented by flying sparks. uvex has there- fore implemented its own quality control procedures as well as a special test bench at uvex safety textiles in Ellefeld to assess and verify the high-performance nature of the functional coating. Textile samples are clamped and then repeatedly targeted with angle grinder sparks at close range. Thomas Paech comments: “The results are totally clear when you make a direct comparison. The uncoated textile sample was damaged by the sparks, but the material featuring our coating was intact, with any little marks easily removed.”

“We intend to be more focussed and proactive in facing our competitors. This will involve offering manufacturing professionals innovative, target group-specific solutions together with an exceptional service concept and optimised processes.”
(Peter Buschmann, managing director uvex safety group)
Durability and award-winning design
Whether angle grinding, welding or other similar tasks, the coating means uvex clothing remains undamaged significantly longer than that of competitors. This reduced wear and tear makes the coated uvex Workwear particularly cost-effective. Thomas Paech concludes: “uvex uses this innovative coating for PPE in order to effectively protect the wearer against burns. Our coated textiles are long-lasting and low-maintenance, in addition to offering great comfort and breathability, which is in stark contrast to flame-retardant materials otherwise available.” What’s more, uvex has been awarded the Red Dot Design Award 2015 for the jacket and trousers, meaning the new range not only offers optimum protection, but looks good as well.

uvex has been awarded the Red Dot Design Award 2015 for the jacket and trousers.
F.l.t.r.: Felix Haberlach, Sylvia Erler, Petra Brückner, Thomas Paech.