uvex safety is your expert partner for professional, high-quality PPE. Read the latest news and information about our company, our events and much more here! Other press releases and more information can be found in the “Media” section of our website.
uvex x-pertblog — the occupational safety blog for experts from experts! Do you have questions about our products, our company or about occupational safety in general? Contact us here or leave us a comment under our blog posts. We’re always happy to help!
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5. August 2020
x-people,x-products,Safety Shoes,uvex Technology
Safety shoes with energy return and shock absorption – bursting with energy all day long
What is energy return actually? And what happens when it comes to work shoes? In this blog article, we take a look at these questions and what all this has to do with shock absorption.
15. July 2020
x-people,x-products,uvex Technology
The human eye – how does eyesight work?
Why are our eyes so sensitive and how does eyesight work? In this blog article, we explain the structure of the eye and how it works.
15. July 2020
LEDs and eyes – eye problems caused by LED lighting
. In this blog article, we take a look at the effects on the eye caused by LED lighting and illustrate the impact of LEDs on the retina.
8. July 2020
x-products,uvex Technology,Safety Eyewear
Duty to wear safety spectacles – what you need to know
In many situations, it seems logical to wear safety spectacles. But when is it actually compulsory? And where are the hidden dangers?
1. July 2020
Safety Shoes,uvex Technology,x-products
Preventing STF (slip, trip, fall) accidents at work
Every day, over 1,000 workplace accidents caused by slipping, tripping or falling are reported in Germany. What are the effects of STF accidents and how can they be avoided?
3. June 2020
UV protection 400 — the right protection against ultraviolet radiation
uvex has always stood for maximum protection against UV radiation — ultraviolet excluded is not only in our name, but also a priority in our range.