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uvex x-pertblog — the occupational safety blog for experts from experts! Do you have questions about our products, our company or about occupational safety in general? Contact us here or leave us a comment under our blog posts. We’re always happy to help!

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The dangers of artificial optical radiation (OStrV) – from lasers that cut metal and lamps that tan your skin

Find out exactly what artificial optical radiation is and how you can protect yourself against it in this blog article.

Safety spectacles for direct contact with viruses and how to properly clean and disinfect them

Amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic, we're often asked which safety spectacles are the best to combat disease and protect against direct contact with viruses. In this article, we'd like to answer those questions.

Questions and answers on the subject of respiratory protection

In this blog post we answer all important questions about respiratory protection.

Kit forestier

Safe working in the forest: The safety helmet with visor and hearing protection

In this blog article, we present our latest innovations and explain how the forestry equipment helps to protect you against specific hazards.

A new generation of high-visibility protective clothing – uvex suXXeed construction

The construction sector is one of our key customer segments at uvex safety. What new innovations are there and what makes our uvex suXXeed construction line so special?

uvex nano pour lutter contre les mauvaises odeurs des chaussures de sécurité

Eliminating and preventing shoe odour

Wer kennt nicht das Problem von stinkenden Schuhen? Doch wo kommt dieser unangenehme Geruch überhaupt her und was können Sie dagegen tun? Wir klären Sie in diesem Blogbeitrag auf.