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uvex x-pertblog — the occupational safety blog for experts from experts! Do you have questions about our products, our company or about occupational safety in general? Contact us here or leave us a comment under our blog posts. We’re always happy to help!
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28. February 2020
x-products,PPE Essentials,uvex Technology
How to put on a protective suit correctly – detailed description given in video
How to put on your chemical protection suit correctly, since full protective performance can only be guaranteed if you put on your protective clothing correctly.
24. February 2020
Shedding some light on standards and guidelines for chemical protection suits
In this article, we provide you with a brief explanation of the individual standards.
24. February 2020
Chemical protection suit – 3 steps to the perfect disposable coveralls
Which coveralls conform with your prescribed standards and which offer the level of occupational safety needed for the work you do?
21. February 2020
Guidance on how to select the most suitable safety eyewear for the wearer
Our eyesight is precious and requires the provision of high quality safety eyewear that not only "protects" but also complies with regulations and improves comfort and fit.
4. November 2019
PPE Essentials,uvex Technology
uvex pheos faceguard: An ergonomic design that noticeably reduces strain
Did you know that your neck has to support a weight of four to five kilos, even when your head is in a normal position? The more you tilt your head, the greater the strain on your neck.
29. April 2019
Why do shoe soles disintegrate?
“What is the service life of safety shoes? And why does the sole disintegrate after a certain period of time?” Many users ask these questions. This issue also plays an important role in the new versions of our instruction leaflets. We explain why shoes disintegrate and when you should buy new safety shoes.