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28. March 2018
x-products,PPE Essentials,uvex Technology
The hazards associated with blue light – and how safety spectacles can help
Smartphone displays, computer monitors, TV screens – artificial sources of blue light are ever-present, both in our everyday working lives and in our private lives. This fact brings a whole range of health risks with it – from tired eyes to retinal diseases – and is confronting us as a society with new challenges.
3. March 2018
How does our hearing work and how is the ear structured?
Noise is a danger that is often underestimated in the workplace. To better understand how harmful noise can be in the short and long term, you must understand how the human ear is structured and how our sense of hearing functions.
27. February 2018
Ergonomics: getting ahead of the game
Megatrends like digitalisation or demographic change affect us all – on both a larger and smaller scale. But how will personal protective equipment (PPE), designed, for example, to protect the head and face, have to be adapted in order to rise to modern challenges?
24. January 2018
Safety gloves in the food industry
In industrial food processing – as well as in all other areas in which food is handled – selecting the right safety gloves is of particular importance. Mainly to avoid injuries to the hands and skin, but also to avoid any health risks posed to consumers from contaminated foodstuffs.
13. November 2017
Case Study: uvex i-works removes the risk of eye injury at Trelleborg
“If there’s a risk, you’ve got to close that risk out.” That’s the credo of Craig Partridge, the person responsible for workplace health and safety at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions. This cased study examines the risk and the process, which included the uvex i-works, to solve it.
7. November 2017
Homestory #9: Wildsau Dirt Run – Team Event
Their lives are filled with adventure, DIY, crafts and building, but also saving the day. They rise to the challenge and are always totally committed. Aside from the inherent risks they face professionally, these everyday heroes open themselves up to other dangers away from their jobs, which should not be underestimated.