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Family? Career? This doesn’t have to be an either-or decision.

At uvex, a family-friendly company, there has long been an emphasis on striking a balance between life at home and life at work. Thorsten Rauch, Head of Customer Service GKA at uvex, recounts his time at the company, illustrating just how this corporate identity is brought to life.

How safe is safe? Behind the scenes at the testing laboratory in Ellefeld – part 2

Personal protective equipment should be one thing above all else: safe. However, how can we guarantee that uvex products actually fulfil the necessary safety criteria? By conducting extensive tests on the material.

EN 374: Modified standard for chemical protective gloves

Chemical protective gloves must meet the requirements of European standard EN 374. This standard has now been modified substantially. These changes become effective once they are published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Electrostatic discharge capability of clothing – part two of two

Electrostatic build-up and its uncontrolled discharge can have serious consequences for people – we examined this in detail in a previous article. Now we intend to discover what actually makes PPE capable of discharging electrostatic build-up, how it can be checked and what products uvex offers in this areaet.

Anti-reflective safety spectacle lenses as the solution to challenging light conditions

Safety spectacle lenses are usually coated to prevent fogging and/or scratching. An anti-fog coating is especially important for high humidity environments or physically demanding work, such as in the paper or food industries.

Electrostatic discharge capability of clothing – part one of two

Electrostatic build-up and its uncontrolled discharge can have serious consequences for people – with both direct and indirect ramifications for the person affected. By way of example, we take the standards EN 1149 and EN 61340 and describe two scenarios which illustrate the difference between protective antistatic and ESD clothing.