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1. February 2016
A key account manager aims high
At uvex, we are all striving towards our common goal of protecting people, whether in their free time or at work. Real people are behind every pair of safety spectacles, every pair of safety footwear and every pair of earplugs.
26. January 2016
uvex Case Study: A new PPE supplier for Denby Pottery
How uvex goes the extra mile for Denby Pottery, helping with employee safety, comfort and quality – and ultimatively removes their PPE concerns. A case study.
16. November 2015
A look back at the A+A 2015
More than 65,000 visitors and 1,887 exhibitors from 57 countries came together at the 30th A+A trade fair, the world’s leading platform for manufacturers in the field of industrial and occupational health and safety.
14. October 2015
PPE: saving lives from the hazard of electrical arcs
Fortunately, accident statistics reveal that electrical arc accidents are not all that common. However, if they do occur, electrical arcs can severely endanger the lives of people close by.
25. September 2015
The difference between antistatic and ESD – a safety footwear example
There is often confusion between the terms ESD and antistatic, and not just when it comes to safety footwear. While one includes the other, to deduce the same is true in reverse is generally incorrect.
15. September 2015
The right lens tinting to see the wood for the trees
Light conditions in forestry are highly varied due to the changeable weather. For this reason, forest workers should not just wear traditional safety eyewear with transparent lenses, but instead make use of various tinted lenses.