For construction experts, lab heroes and machine tamers — for doers! At the heart of occupational safety are the people who require the best-possible PPE for their everyday work. In this blog, we would like to showcase the wide range of areas in which occupational safety plays a crucial role. What needs to be considered? What are the dangers that the employees must be protected against and what criteria does optimal PPE need to fulfil?
We will answer frequently asked questions and share our expert knowledge, always with a focus on what really matters: the people for whom we develop our occupational safety products.
uvex x-pertblog — the occupational safety blog for experts from experts! Do you have questions about our products or about the topic of occupational safety in general? Contact us here or leave us a comment under our blog posts. We’re always happy to help!
8. February 2022
Covestro Photon – racing in Morocco with the solar car
Team Sonnenwagen reports on its eventful participation in the Solar Challenge…
1. February 2022
x-people,x-products,Expert News
Occupational health and safety on building sites
Warum ist Arbeitsschutz auf einer Baustelle unerlässlich und auf welche…
19. January 2022
x-people,x-products,Expert News
Knee pads – Protection against knee injuries
We answer the question “Which knee pads are the right ones?” and tell you about…
12. January 2022
x-people,x-products,Expert News
Bump caps – Function and requirements
We answer the question “Bump cap or helmet?” and teach you about the anatomy of…
21. December 2021
x-people,x-products,Expert News
Fire protection – Measures in the event of fire
We explain how you can plan optimal fire protection in your company and which…
16. December 2021
Health and safety inspections by employers’ liability insurance associations
We help you prepare for your next health and safety inspection from your…