Laser Safety Officer training

About the laser safety training

A laser safety officer has to be named and appointed if laser applications of the classes 3B, 3R and 4 are in use. According to the German accident prevention regulation OStrV § 5, the proof of participation in a corresponding course has to be submitted.

Objectives - your training benefits

  • Conveyance of comprehensive knowledge on beam and non-beam hazards with laser applications
  • Introduction to physical basics of the generation and effects of laser beams
  • Possibilities of the industrial laser usage
  • Thorough information on necessary technical, organizational and personal protective measures
  • Legal basis for running a Laser workplace
  • Explanation of hazards resulting from sources of radiation and laser beams on the basis of example cases
  • Practical tests and demonstrations of laser effects and laser protection

Laser safety officer training - target group

The laser safety officer training is suitable for employees and specialists for work safety who are responsible for laser safety.

Additional information

The laser safety officer training is appropriate for further education of specialists for working safety according to § 5(3) ASiG (Legislation concerning safety at work in Germany), respectively according to § 83 (8) AschG (Legislations concerning safety at work in Austria).

Furthermore, it is certified by the VDSI (Association of German safety engineers) and the VÖSI (Association of Austrian safety engineers) (= 3 training contents).

uvex academy offers several work safety courses. Depending on your request, every course can be held in either German or English.

Duration & Fee

The laser safety officer training is a two day seminar. The fee for this work safety course is 1050€ including VAT.


Do you have further questions about the training? Contact us, we are happy to help!

Your direct line to the uvex academy

uvex Academy
Siemensstraße 6
90766 Fürth

Telephone: +49 911 9736-1710