Respiratory protection in work in waste disposal and cleaning

The following includes further information for choosing the right breathing protection for work in waste disposal.

The suggestion made here is only a general recommendation.
For a detailed analysis and selection of the correct mask, please refer to our selection guide:
Correct selection

Please do not hesitate to contact your relevant professional association should you have any queries or questions.

Refuse separation and disposal

Dust is often created when separating waste, recycling or undertaking any other activity involving waste or refuse. If you are unsure what may be contained in the waste, wear a respirator in protection class FFP3 to protect against hazardous particles.

A protection class FFP2 respirator will suffice for regular domestic waste and harmless substances. A respirator with carbon can be used to counteract any unpleasant odours (protection against gases and vapours under occupational exposure limits [OEL]). You can find product suggestions for this purpose below. Please ensure all appropriate and requisite personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn, as offered by uvex.

FFP2 respirator masks

FFP3 respirator masks

Suitable respirator mask for waste disposal

Medical waste disposal

The disposal of medical waste often involves unspecified substances and potentially contaminated syringes or other waste. Bacteria, spores and viruses may be contained in the waste, meaning that it is essential to wear a protection class FFP3 respirator.

A respirator with carbon can be used to counteract any unpleasant odours (protection against gases and vapours under occupational exposure limits [OEL]). You can find product suggestions for this purpose below. Please ensure all appropriate and requisite personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn, as offered by uvex.

Suitable respirator mask for the disposal of medical waste

Sweeping floors

Various dusts and particles can be stirred up when sweeping floors.  An FFP3 respirator should always be worn if any toxic dusts are present. In general, a respirator in protection class FFP2 will suffice for regular floor sweeping where harmless particles such as cement, flour dust, sand or metal shavings are involved.  You can find product suggestions for this purpose below. Please ensure all appropriate and requisite personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn, as offered by uvex.

FFP2 respirator masks

FFP3 respirator masks

Suitable breathing mask when sweeping the floor

Radioactively contaminated particles

Wearing a protection class FFP3 respirator is a minimum requirement when dealing with radioactive substances or disposing of radioactively contaminated dusts. A full mask respirator is recommended.

The respirator is therefore only intended for single use and must be correctly disposed of immediately after being removed. You can find product suggestions for FFP3 respirators below. Please ensure all appropriate and requisite personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn, as offered by uvex.

Suitable respirator mask for disposal and radioactivity

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